I offer these musings to you in hopes that something here will connect with the part of you that also carries sorrow deep within. Perhaps you will find comfort or inspiration or strength.
I certainly hope so.
— Luna
Full, grateful, blessed}
Today is Halloween, my mother's birthday, and Hunter's Blue Full Moon. A powerful day for connecting to our ancestors.
Standing naked at the edge of a frozen lake
I feel like I'm standing in front of you completely naked at the edge of a frozen lake.
The questions I wish you would ask me
Today is the two month anniversary of Hunter's death.
How to show up
I'm going to challenge you to a new understanding of generosity & kindness.
Can I give you a hug?
I went to a new dentist yesterday. Within the first few minutes, the kind hygienist asked how I was in a way that felt like she really wanted to know.
Life gives us pain
"Life gives us pain. Our job is to experience it when it gets handed to us”