Grief Pilgrim
Each morning I awake in the dark, put on warm clothes, and sit to meditate. I notice the range of sensations in my body- I drift off and return. Today I felt held, for a time, in a circle of love. When I slowly opened my eyes the thought came to mind that I am a pilgrim, "someone on a journey to sacred places". The sacred places are mostly deep within; the journey is unknown; I am the someone. I have wanted a way to name this time-- wouldn't it be easier if, while we are in the liminal space of grief, we had a way of identifying ourselves?
I think of the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Everyone is there for a different reason and will have unique experiences, yet there's magic in knowing you are sharing the journey with other pilgrims. Half the work is realizing that the destination is far less important than sucking the marrow of each moment, each step, each breath, each opportunity to connect, and to go beyond the story that brought you to that ancient seeker's path.
Sooooo... as I'm prone to do, I just Googled Grief Pilgrim and discovered a website by that name... and this woman has, of course, walked the Camino multiple times and leads Grief Pilgrimages in online and in Colorado. When I follow the nudges, the next step appears. And so it is.
This sculpture took my breath away. In Geneva, Switzerland by artist Albert György.