I offer these musings to you in hopes that something here will connect with the part of you that also carries sorrow deep within. Perhaps you will find comfort or inspiration or strength.
I certainly hope so.
— Luna
A gentle nudge to those who say nothing
You matter. It's easy to think that the person in your life who is grieving or ill has plenty of love and support.
With a tender heart
Truth is, I have no idea where this grief storm will leave me once it's had its way with me.
Does this make sense?
This week I am transitioning my financial planning business to a new broker/dealer (my firm was sold).
It takes a village
Last night we sat in our living room, sipping moonlight tea, and listening to Angela's experience from the moment she got the call that Hunter died.
How is it possible that I am here, now?
I'm grateful for all the music that has been shared. Music is both salt and salve, it opens the wound and it heals.
Why was yesterday so much harder?
Is it the anticipation of returning to Portland knowing that Hunter won't be there, that only fragments of what once was, remain?