The Hawk
I just returned from a meeting with a client and her estate planning attorney. My client just lost her husband of 60 years. The attorney had not one shred of empathy, no capacity to connect and zero interest in communicating in a matter that someone who is 80+ and newly responsible for all of her financial life to understand. I became the translator, advocate, guardian, and tiger mama. I left feeling mad about how f'ed up our legal system is and what a disservice is done when the newly bereaved are forced to sit in meetings they can't comprehend-- not because they are stupid, but because they are mourning, then need things in writing, simpler than normal. I asked a few basic questions-- what does an amendment of the trust cost? Is there any decision that has to be made right now? The attorney gave me the stink eye, wouldn't look at me, and talked to the client without addressing my questions. Apparently, he can't hold his own with a strong woman in the room. Arggggh! When we left I sat my client down, told her I didn't understand half of what he said, and affirmed that there were no decisions that had to be made at this moment. I told her that she was brave and smart and not to let his demeanor mean anything about her capacity to navigate this terrain. "I will be right by your side", I said.
I got in my car and just as I was driving up the exit ramp of the freeway a hawk with a mouse in its mouth flew right in front of my car-- no more than three feet away-- I'm not sure the message, but I also saw two hawks yesterday but at a distance.
Here's what the Medicine Cards say about Hawk:
Hawk medicine teaches you to be observant, to look at your surroundings. Observe the obvious in everything that you do. Life is sending you signals.
Life is the initiation. If you have pulled the Hawk card, then right now a clue about the magic of life is being brought to you. This magic can imbue you with the power to overcome a currently stressful or difficult situation. The test is your ability to observe the nuances of power lurking nearby. Is power the talent you have and are not using? Are solutions always hard to find because you have lost the broader vision of Hawk? Or is the Great Spirit displaying a gift that you need only to receive? Have the colors of the morning inspired you to create? Of has the gloominess of a present situation left you earthbound, unable to hear the voice within the raindrops splashing on your window? Pay attention! You are only as powerful as your capacity to perceive, receive, and use your abilities.
The Ancients recognized this magnificent bird of prey as a messenger bringing tidings to their Earth Walk, the Good Red Road, from the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers who lived before them. If Hawk were to magically cry, it was a sign to beware or be aware. This could mark the coming of a warring tribe, the birth of a child, or the celebration of counting coup. Hawk’s cry signaled the need for the beholder to heighten awareness and receive a message.
Hawk medicine is a totem that is filled with responsibility, because Hawk people see the overall view. Hawk is not like Mouse, who sees everything through a magnifying glass. Hawk medicine people are aware of omens, messages from the spirit, and the color of the calling card you gave them three months ago. No detail slips by them unnoticed
Ok, all you brilliant people out there-- what do you think? Is there significance to the fact that there was a mouse in its mouth? I'd love your intuitions on this. Thanks.