I am nothing like the moon
Last night Hunter's moon rose
Full and blue on All Hallows Eve
A vast lighthouse in the sky
Shining the way your smile
opened my heart.
A Taurus moon
Calling us to simplify & release
our stubborn grip on stories,
told and imagined,
that cut jagged edges into soft & yielding hearts.
Eons ago, when you were
safely within my embrace
We gazed at the moon together,
read books bidding the moon good night,
sang songs about moonbeams and angel wings.
The moon held our dreams,
it lit the path on the darkest nights,
it reminded us of ebbs and flows,
of cycles
of hidden light.
I remember when the name Luna
came to me in a dream.
I am nothing like the moon, I argued
I am bold and bright and strong, I said,
in the voice of my 22-year-old self.
Ah... yes! Exactly our point!
???, I said.
You will grow into this name.
It will become you.
You will become it.
Forty years later I am still learning
To trust the darkness
to be still,
to be in waiting, receptive & open,
to listen,
to hold hands with the wax and the wane.
my love,
You are the moon,
You are the cycles
and lessons still to be learned.
You are blue, full, illuminating,
a promise, like origami, being folded and unfolded,
again and again.
You are a presence,
omnipresent and sentient,
lacing threads of light between our worlds
You are a gravitational pull
and I am rising and falling on the tides of our love