I offer these musings to you in hopes that something here will connect with the part of you that also carries sorrow deep within. Perhaps you will find comfort or inspiration or strength.
I certainly hope so.
— Luna
The Aftermath
Tossed out to sea, shaken and spun without mercy by raging wind and wave, I no longer know where I am.
Grief Resides
When I slow my breath and sit, I feel her like a cloak, a soft fog protecting and blurring the view, keeping me safe from the harshness of the world.
Grieving in America
All too often I close the door on outstretched arms when the pain is too great to bear.
Felt Absence
Until you lose a child, a breast, a home you do not know in your bones in the delicacy of words how to fully be with someone walking this path.
Am I disconnected
Am I disconnected from my sorrow or is it moving through me so beautifully that this is simply how good grief feels?