I slip into
the liquid blue
amniotic fluid
of mother earth
while a pod of dolphins
mothers and babies,
siblings and parents,
over a hundred strong,
cavort beneath my floating form,
an elegant aquatic ballet.
I want to play,
to inhabit their skin
and know what it is to leap and spin
and sing harmony through
the wavelengths of light
shining rays of heaven
into the deep cool blue.
Instead, I place my hands
on my heart, still my breath
and ask for healing.
Floating like a lily pad on the surface
quietly humming,
watching the comings and goings,
I remember.
I have been here before.
A beautiful female
slows and pauses before me.
She pierces my soul with one eye,
making contact with
part of me I barely know.
Then, her graceful form begins
to slowly circle me,
not two feet away.
At first, I try to watch her
then I just let go.
Three times around
she swims, sensing
the lift and flutter of my heart,
the way my soul yearns
the song I have yet to sing,
as if to say
lean in, my love,
loss is a portal
through which we all must swim.
As if to say,
we do not grieve alone, my love,
we carry each other’s fractured
we tend to them
we love them
circling round
until the spark returns.