I discovered that many who read the poem I wrote the other day (The Seed) assumed I was writing it about Hunter-- when in fact it came through me in meditation (from my guides?), and was clearly a message to me, about the process I'm in. I'm curious if the poem feels different to you, the reader, knowing this...
Good Grief: A Definition
The process of allowing community to fully hold you while you do the deep work of feeling and moving emotion through your body and spirit; opening to profound loss and trusting that out of dark, fallow times seeds germinate and life returns; using all available modes of expression to explore and release sorrow.
Today I feel all the benefits of good grief: my head is clear, I can laugh (Amy is hilarious & entertaining), I'm excited about my business again, I'm grateful for the beauty that surrounds me, I feel lighter and more honest with myself about what matters and what doesn't, I honor my ongoing need for exquisite self-care (massage, creative expression, working with intuitive and mediums) and I feel deeply connected to Hunter as well as my parents.
Yesterday I ventured into Nordstrom to look for some boots and sat down for a few minutes to take a phone call from Oralee. I turned and there, right next to me, was a sign that said, HUNTER. Of course! In Nordy's! He loved high-end clothing! It made me laugh out loud. The more connected I feel to him the less I suffer from his death.