Double Rainbow


I've been sitting outside in a strange rain/hail storm under a canopy with a fire going. I miss Jamaica so much that I just need to be outside, so here I am. After sitting here with Amy for two hours talking and being with the weather, she went inside and I remained, not yet ready to be indoors. I offered tobacco to the fire and prayed to Hunter for a sign. I kept looking in the sky for a double rainbow as it has been changing rapidly with bursts of sun, snatches of blue, and dozens of shades of gray. I got the nudge to get my computer and a speaker and return to the fire. I chose a playlist called Mood: Sorrow which truly fits the moment then opened Facebook and noticed a message from someone I don't know. She told me that she had met Hunter while in treatment and then shared a photo of him that I've never seen with a double rainbow behind him (he is sitting on the far right). We saw many double rainbows while in Jamaica and I always felt him when they appeared. And now, just after asking him for a sign, I get a photo with him in it! Took my breath away. Thank you Katie-- Thank you so much




Going Home