

Two days ago as I drove home from my office, a sudden gust of grief poured down my face. I got home and felt a nudge to grab Bella (my Italian greyhound/chihuahua) and go to the park. It was sunny, but when I pulled up, not five minutes later, it started to rain. I turned to Bella as said, "Looks like we are walking in the rain" and got out of the car, aware of how dark the sky was in front of me as I walked up the stairs to the meadow. I looked up and there, forming before my eyes, was the lowest rainbow I've ever seen... and then, beneath it, another rainbow. It lasted only five minutes and I knew I'd been guided there. The sky cleared quickly and had I not taken a picture I would have doubted I saw this double rainbow that was so close I could almost touch it. I took my smile home with me and this morning wrote this poem.


The First Time


And Then There Was Beauty