Talking with the Other Side
On Monday we had an incredible experience with a medium.... I don't know how it's possible for someone to connect with beings on the other side with such accuracy, but WOW is it a confirmation that our souls continue on.
"Hunter communicates rapidly... he needs you to know that he's with you in the darkness of the morning. Are you up awfully early? (yes!) He's saying the darkness of the morning is a potent time and it is easy for him-- he loves, LOVES that time with you.... it feels precious.
He wants to say again that he's very, very sorry. There was no intention or plan to leave his body, no intention at all around that and yet he holds responsibility and not just in this specific moment, but there was an overarching way that he lived his life. He had been vacillating. He struggled with these two parts of who he is. He has this deep, deep presence, knowing, connectedness, and he is just incredibly beautiful, yet he struggled with that and the other part of him that couldn't sort out how to work with himself. He would get trapped in his own thoughts and it's important to know that even though there wasn't an intention to leave his body in the moment it happened, there's something in this that's uncertain-- there were moments he wanted to be in life and others when he would slip back into his inner struggles. He is so, so sorry for hurting you, so sorry.
He's showing me that there was some deception and he's sorry for not being straight up, for the difficulty, for all the difficulty. He's aware that he hurt many people and that is something he never wanted to do. There's something about you all picking up on his energy when he's around. There's some sort of documenting happening? There is a vibration when he's around. Have there been moments since he passed-- and he's not letting me go so I know this is important-- where there has been something like a vibration that you feel? (I mentioned that it definitely felt like he was playing Cards Against Humanity with us the other night). He wants you to keep playing with this (sensing his energy). (I ask if he might be referring to the automatic writing I've been doing - documenting his presence) YES! yes, keep going with that. What you are getting is accurate. You are finding each other there, plus there is this very physical vibration that he's not always able to project into the room. He's talking about this vibration, very real energy in the room that shifts and he's trying to partner with you and amplify that. There's an auditory sound that he's trying to merge with more. It's a game to him. He wants you to have more experiences of toning. There's something about tone, like an instrument near the body, resonating.
Music keeps coming up-- listening to it, yes, but creating it, making it. You've got to SING! He's soooo strong with this my words don't do it justice as to how strongly he is saying this. YES! It's so beautifully strong. You can begin small, even with humming if you like, something tonal but let it come with the vibration. He is so encouraging with tone and vibration. There's something really important about this and it feeds into the automatic writing with him. There's more coming with this, keep working on the softening and blending. He is partnering with you and he's there and in his wise self. The burden that held him and affected him-- it's not there at all now. He shows me images of heaviness from the past, but they no longer impact him. He is light and vibrant. He is encouraging this experience with movement, vibration, fluidity-- play with toning, nothing fancy, it will help with the merging and connecting. There's a beautiful rhythm with it-- try to explore that. It's an access point for him--reverberating and vibration-- let yourself feel into that intuitively. He's saying that the vibration and toning is an access point, and he would like to meet you there to share in that space.
There are suddenly many others in the room. Someone named Jade, male, is there a male in body with that name? (Jaden!) He says hi to Jaden, and now we are moving on to your dad - he's close by. And a doggie spirit is here (Lambo), this is no ordinary dog being, he is so special, he is your soul partner, he has access to you-- Hunter's got him, and there's another dog... we'll come back to that one. This soul dog was so close all the time-- sweetness and closeness and he had an intuitiveness that you shared. Hunter feels a connection to him as well. This special baby was able to understand the heart, feel, sense in such an intuitive way. He is precious and there's a deepness to this soul baby, very deep communicating with this one. Hunter also communicates with/through him.
There's an orange dog (Chana?), yes, but another with a deeper orange-- somehow not connected to Hunter. A deep red dog? I'm not sure where this is going. This one is darker, brownish red. A name with a G, Hunter shows me that it's far away or not a dog he knew. (Gracie! Amy's soul dog-- she died before we got together) Yes! they are giving me a yes. (Amy had asked Gracie to connect with Hunter)-- That makes more sense, Hunter wouldn't let it go, it was important enough to try to figure out and he kept me on it, like "nope, we have to stay on it, it's important for them to know that these messages translated, that we have access to one another, we are here with each other, the space between us is not far-- these beings, amazing beings, are interwoven with us all the time”. Absolutely Hunter and Gracie are able to connect.
He's encouraging-- these parts of him, that were dense, heavy, entrapped-- he's sorry, and that's not who he is. It's not who he is. He shows me how much he loved his life. He shows me this looping that happened inside his brain that wouldn't let go and he loved his life, he shows me all these incredible experiences, one after the other after the other, this was a full life, he doesn't feel shortened by it, there was so much packed in, and he's sorry about the looping, which would create bodily sensations, he would have pain in his body, anxious thoughts-- this looping was the entrapment. Because he couldn't figure out how to attune to just this other part of him that was vibrant and free and knowing and sooo deeply aware of others and their feelings... deeply aware. And that was his true nature, he is so much more vibrant, and he would get caught up in this looping which was like a trap for him and he would do-- the anxiousness that would come up as a result of that looping, he would do just about anything to try to quiet it. This is what happened with him leaving his body, this is what happened with the mistrust-- he had to quiet the looping from the inside out. He wants to communicate that he didn't want to hurt anyone, and he would have liked to have been able to find that stillness. He has it now. He's back and in that now, and it's really different. He's encouraging you to meet him there in that other place, who he is now, who he always was -- it was challenging for him to be part of this world."
So, your dad has passed, yes? (yes) There’s something about your dad. They’re laughing at how I’m going to try to translate this, so just bear with me. They (Hunter and your dad) philosophize together. They’re connected. There’s a soul bond. They have soul history with one another. Did they not know one another? (that’s right, they never met) They know each other now. They’re connected on a soul level, they’ve had journeys together, they are so close. The only way I can explain it is that they philosophize together. They talk about energy together. What I’m trying to describe is the essence of how they meet together. They go places that are really quite fascinating and exciting, so there’s an adventurous spirit that happens when they both connect. Oh, and love. There’s something about this sort of thriving. Is your mom passed? (yes) Was there this sort of thriving to your dad’s nature? There’s something adventurous that he keeps wanting me to articulate. (he explored consciousness, that’s where he was an adventurer) Yes, that’s a great word to describe what I’m seeing here. There’s this excitement with energy, with possibility. What he wants to talk about here is how our perception of reality is so malleable. It’s like there’s reality and reality and reality all stacked on top of each other. He’s encouraging you to play with that more, that it’s malleable, that it’s meant to be interactive, this experience of reality. And he’s just jazzed to talk about this. He wants to go off on this. Know that he’s a great partner in this. That he’s very interested in the embodiment of the knowledge of realities not being solid like we think. And that it’s just so simple. Like it’s just a slight adjustment and there’s another reality or dimension. He’s just vibrant with this. (it’s like he has a partner in crime with Hunter being there with him now) Yes he does, and they meet on this level, and they love communicating about this. They have fun, it gets all crackling between them.
Your mom is also there and she keeps saying huge thank yous. There’s a graciousness between the two of you that changed somewhere near the end of her life that was soul to soul, heart to heart. She’s bowing deep, she’s thanking you. She’s thanking you. And please know that while she’s quieter, there’s this peacefulness about her, she doesn’t want to step in or intrude in any way. (shocking! *laughs*) That’s so funny because she and Hunter were just laughing about that. (that’s like my life story with her, doesn’t want to be intrusive) Yeah, and so she’s different, she’s honoring that now. Before her thoughts would get intense and she would have this idea of how it needed to go, it’s not like that at all now. You will love her. She is beautiful. They do well. She’s gentle. It’s like she got it. That’s what she keeps saying. She got it. She got the grace, she got the gentleness, she got that exhale of letting be.
Hunter is coming back to the expressions so…oh, so many things. What they’re talking about is that you do everything, Luna. It’s all the expressions that they show me. What they show me are colors and painting. They’re encouraging colors and painting. But then there's something about dance that your dad keeps bringing up. They’re saying there's a trajectory here for a book or books, but they're saying to just walk through it without the idea of producing something. (Hunter told me that exact thing. He said write, don’t worry about it, you’ve got a book, we’ve got this, don’t think about how it’s going to happen) There you go, that’s it. You got it. You hear it. You hear him. Yay! Take this at a certain rhythm. Let it evolve but don’t edit yourself. Be careful of managing it all too much. Just let the process take you, and there will be natural evolving with it. But it’s needed. It’s valuable. And there's a trajectory here for a kind of moving out into the world in a shared way. There’s a fluidity and a rhythm to this. Your dad is going back to dance. There’s a fluidity to this that is lifegiving and soul-opening. And then there’s a cycle that will happen within the thinking mind that reevaluates things, and that can be quite sharp. So Hunter’s encouraging you to train the brain to go to the fluidity because that’s what's real.
He needs you to know that he felt a wealth of life experience. He felt loved. There was no question to this love and this unity. He had this amazing circle that you cultivated for him. He thanks you. He thanks you. This is where my translation of it is not even half of it, because he floods me with this emotion of how beautiful the love is, the love in his life. And he’s bringing you in on this Amy too. The love you showed him, the grace you showed him. There was so much love, and then there’s more and more. There’s just this incredible community of women.
And it’s okay that he battled. He wants me to share with you that it’s okay. It’s not a battle out of something missing or a lack of feeling that core of love. It was never that. It wasn’t out of a lack. These experiences in life...we move and grow and learn from them. Our thinking mind will say that there’s something off in that battling, that something went wrong. But there wasn’t. It was just his dance this time around. He battled it, he battled the container of his body, he battled life. It’s that experience between the battling and then the letting be and the fluidity. Even the numbing out, he goes back to what your dad was talking about with that slight thought adjustment, that’s all it needed and he wouldn’t have needed the numbing out. But there was value in those experiences for him as well. He just missed and was looking for how to integrate that feeling of expansiveness. He somehow couldn’t access that all the time from the inside. He did at times. He keeps encouraging you to not let the thinking mind take you to stories that are false, which is that there was something missing or lacking. Because there wasn’t.
Now he’s talking about the one who wasn’t born. He’s talking about how he was working on how to let fluidity find him in his life. And then he’s bringing in this one who didn’t fully come into body. And how right that is. It’s like there was an agreement together to take this journey. It feels like dance or choreography to me. What he’s trying to guide us towards is knowing the rightness of everything. The rhythm of everything. And there’s never a loss, there’s never anything missing because it’s all right here. So he wants you to know that this girl spirit being is with him. In fact, there is a strong connection. The way that I would describe the two is like they are a twin flame. Like the two of them are a part of an essence together. Words never do it right. But they’re part of the same, part of a similar soul. And then it’s like all of it sort of falls into place. Was this a long time ago that this one didn’t come in? (I was sixteen) They are a part of the same. There are such similarities, and yet wanting different experiences too. This being is connected to you still. It’s close, it’s like right there. And just so much sweetness in this connection. There’s a beautiful communication that happens. You’re really good and gifted at communication. The togetherness is all still right there. And they want you to know that there isn’t truly an ending or a beginning. It just changes form. It shapeshifts a little bit. It’s all right there.
(The medium is Alisha Allen)