Holding Space

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For Amy

Come, my love
come close.
Allow the branches of my heart,
the warm and pulsing flow,
to wrap circles of protection
around your tenderness.

From this holy place,
the one connected by numinous threads
of light,
the one that wove us together with a love
so strong, so gracious and vast,
I see you now,
standing naked and whole
on the precipice of life.

One foot in ancestral lands,
filled with unopened gifts & toxins & love
constrained by narrow thoughts,
The other foot hovering in space,
wanting to trust that which is unseen,
wanting to know it is safe to let go.

I will catch you.
You will not fall.
Only you can shift your weight,
Only you can lean into what’s possible
pulling your foot from the quicksand of the past
Yet, you are not alone. You never have been.
You are being held by grace, my love.

I’ve got you with
arms fierce and wide.
From where I stand
I can see
the precipice is but a launching pad.

Once your wings dry,
You are free.


The right questions

